
2024 Jun 30 - Biden Trump Debate

There's an exciting question doing the rounds about who will survive in their job longer: Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak or Gareth Southgate. Certainly in the case of the latter two, a lot of people are wonderring if the England team will even be able to vote in the UK election or use a ballot paper, seeing as they seem unable to ever find the box and when they do they struggle to put a cross into it.

But just like the football, Thursday night saw the repeat of something that also seems to happen every 4 years: a debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. This is the third such time Trump has been in the debate, and like the TV show Westworld, the best season was probably the best: that was the one where he said that Hilary was lucky not to be in Jail. This year it was switched round with Biden talking about Trump being a convicted felon before losing his train of thought, pausing and appearing to glitch up worse than that Horizon computer system the Post Office bought. My favourite parts of the debate would probably be [1] when the two of them went off on a bizarre rant about which of them had the better golf handicap [2] when it cut to the CNN studio and it was like a wake as all of them realised the true horror of what had just unfolded. It reminded me of that scene in the Simpsons when Homer designs a car and his brother realises he's now bankrupt.

Even for those who have been aware of Biden's failing faculties, the performance was fairly shocking, there was no doubt that he should bow out gracefully. The New York Times and numerous major donors have called for such. But Biden and his handlers have said he's staying on, will keep campaigning, and he's going to visit South Carolina. He'll also be going to other states, like Confused State or Semi Conscious State but jacked up on a cocktail of pick-me-ups.

At this point with hundreds of millions of ballot papers only a month or two from being printed, it's actually fairly difficult from a practical perspective to replace Joe as the candidate, at least without making the new presidential candidate Kamala Harris who is probably the only person other than Hilary Clinton who would be guaranteed to lose to Trump in November. The only other option on the table is using the democratic party's 'behind the scenes' apparatus and skip the convention, disregard the primary votes and put in someone like California Governor Newsom or one of the other suggested upgrades, all of whom are white men, and all at a time when most of the party activists claim that promoting anyone to seniority other than a woman of colour is fascism. Who would I put in though? Well there is a candidate out there and he's been president before but only served one term. That would be Jimmy Carter, and strangely he's probably still just about more popular and certainly less divisive than Trump or Biden. (But maybe also stick a safe pair of hands on the ballot paper as the vice presidential candidate just in case).
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