
2024 Apr 27 - London Horses

This week there bizarre scenes after several royal horses, one covered in blood ran amuck around the streets of London. I'm vaguely imagining Rishi Sunak going to have his fortune fortune read, and the old lady turned over a tarot card depicting a bloodied horse running past parliament and him asking if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Big Ben also tolled the wrong number of chimes that day and if it was all indeed a sign of the end of days then it's notable that due to government cutbacks the news only showed images of half the required numbers of horses of the apocalypse.

If Rishi is short of a few quid then he could have done worse than to pop into the bookies and put some dosh down on the grey one to win. Personally, I don't know much about horses and I once asked a friend if he knew anything about Shetland Ponies, and he responded "Very Little"

As to these royal horses the London Household Cavalry says that they're in a stable condition, or maybe they're just in a stable, it's unclear what they meant. Hopefully they'll make a recovery and next be seen after they're promoted to the royal engineers, seeing as they clearly skilled at making a bolt. And if not then I guess you or I will be able to see them at B&Q in that aisle where they sell floor adhesive.
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