
2023 May 07 - King Charles' Coronation

More developments in the SNP money scandal, police apparently seized a number of items including a wheelbarrow, presumably the one used to move the piles of from the office, into Nicola Sturgeon's garden shed. From what I can gather speaking to folk, 50% of people in Scotland think the story is an important issue, 50% of people are bored hearing about it and 10% of people are unsure. Those numbers don't add up to 100% because the maths was done by Nicola's husband.

Plenty of destruction first at the local election ballot boxes, and there was also an assassination attempt against Vladimir Putin after a drone attacked the Kremlin. Russian authorities were quick to blame Ukraine whilst many in the west accused Russia of doing it themselves as an excuse to escalate the war and assassinate Zelensky. This of course makes a change from the BBC trying to blame the assassination attempt on climate change although the Ukraine situation is quite unsettling with the Russians openly threatening to use nuclear weapons. If Kyiv got a nuking it would be very different to London getting its new king.

And talking of which, this was the weekend that King Charles finally got a new hat. By which I mean a very very old hat. There's been months of waiting, it reminds me of when I was a kid and I saved up the tokens on the back of the breakfast cereal box and then posted them off and waited for the toy to arrive. I was vaguely hoping that the ceremony would have included a portion where Charles pointed at Prince Andrew singing I'm the king of the castle and you're the dirty wee rascal. But as such it all went off ass you'd expect, a bit like a wedding really, except Charles and Camilla's wedding had Steven Fry to give a speech, it seems a bit of a missed opportunity really. Afterwards they drove off and in a touching tribute to Diana, neither the king or queen were wearing a seat belt in the royal coach. As for now, the last stage to implement is the new coinage with Charles' face replacing that of the queen's. Some people probably won't like the new coins, but those are people who don't like change.
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