
2023 Mar 26 - French Protests

The clocks are going back this weekend, which means that commuters on Southern Rail might be lucky enough to see the trains turn up 20 minutes early. Unfortunately it's a busy weekend for staff at Windsor Castle where gardening team will have to rotate all the sundials by 15 degrees

There was the inquiry into Partygate, setting out to determine whether Boris was suitable to manage a party, whether it be the the Conservative Party or that other one with all the wine

Anger in cheshire after a woman was buried at the wrong grave. I can't blame the husband for being angry at the gravedigger, I bet he lost the plot

Somewhere else that lost the plot this week was France and Paris especially where it's just been a constant orgy of destruction with protestors taking to the streets to protest the government. I saw a baker being interviewed and he said that his mother's sister was very angry, something about a cross aunt. Officially, the protesting is about the government's decision to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 but in reality there's a lot of other things going on here, from how much the sanitation workers get paid to the price of fuel and then you have the farmers enviously seeing what just happened across the border in Holland where there Farmer–Citizen Movement managed to somehow go from one seat to becoming the largest party in the upper chamber.

But back to France. Charles de Gaulle said "How can anyone govern a nation that has two hundred and forty-six different kinds of cheese?" The answer in this case is a little part of the French Constitution, 49 subsection 3, which gives the President almost absolute power to push through laws unless the parliament votes to dissolve the assembly in protest. It's the power that De Gaulle himself designed for handling the Algerian crisis in the 60s and in this case they weren't keen to bring down the government over what would a common sense issue in most countries. Although it is of course not the same as other countries. They eat snails, for instance, largely I think due to a misunderstanding about it not being fast food. And the started building the Eiffel Tower but seemingly never finished it because the last time I visited, it looked like it still had a huge metal scaffolding around it. You also have its history as a hotbed of multiple revolutions although I was once told that you should never joke about French history because it is nothing to Lafayette. You can keep these jokes by the way, they're french and therefore royalty free. As to the protestors, best of luck to them I guess but if they don't like President Macron, they should maybe have not voted him in, twice. One other piece of advice I'll give out is that if you get arrested and want to escape, try shouting angrily in German, that seems to work from what I hear.
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