
2017 Jun 16 - Theresa May make a deal with the DUP

So the dust has finally settled, David Dimbleby has been put back into cryogenic stasis and so begins 5 years of fierce and intense debate inside both Westminster but also inside the polling organisations about how to be less rubbish at forecasting next time

Thesesa is still living at number 10, although a lot of people are questioning whether she's the right person for the job. I watched her on the news as she returned home from visiting the queen and as a police officer opened the door for her I had to wonder whether she can be trusted to run the country when she apparently can't even be trusted to remember to remember her house keys.

In the mean time she'll be paying Northern Ireland some more money for DUP support. On a day to day basis, life will go on, it'll just mean a lot more work and negotiating and obviously more time like a lots of other tough things in life. The inventor Joseph Swan took years to perfect the lightbulb, although presumably he was working in the pitch black.

For now, people are saying that Brexit might not happen. Correction, the BBC and people on Twitter are saying that Brexit might not happen.  Well back in February Parliament had a vote on whether to trigger Article 50 or not. The Labour party voted too and it was still a landslide Yes vote because for every trendy europhile Labour MP, there's quite a few of others outside of London who do mad stuff like drink on a school night or still listen to their voters. The media seem to forget it was the Labour party that used to be against Europe, many senior members still are, and there's a good chance you could see a huge internal battle and the party ending up looking worse than Emily Thornberry squeezed into her bikini for summer.
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