
2017 Jun 03 - Trump pulls out of the Paris Agreement

There was utterly shocking news this week when a politician actually did something he’d promised to when running for office. Nick Clegg said it was madness and that he should have done the exact opposite of what he promised like you’re supposed to. Just look at David Cameron – he promised a referendum to get Britain out of the EU and when he managed to accidentally deliver on Brexit he resigned in shame and left politics.

Agree with Paris or not (and we’ll get to that later) President Trump is entitled to do whatever he wants, largely because President Obama signed up in the first place by making sure that it was clearly defined as an executive decision that didn’t need approval by the congress or senate or anyone else. And Mr Trump has a mandate to sign whatever he wants because he won the electoral college and those who mention the popular vote should maybe fix that by looking to scrap it rather than going on Facebook like a teenager angry at the result of the X-Factor. This is like when people tried to fix Boko Haram by going on Facebook, and sure Nigeria is still signed up to the Paris Treaty but the kidnappings are still a thing and Trump is more of a Twitter person anyway. Seriously though, the electoral collage is a ridiculous and antiquated system, even more so than the US’s insistence on clinging onto chequebooks and thinking that putting Nicolas Cage in a movie will draw in a crowd.

Back to the Paris Accords though, it was a crummy treaty anyway. According to the UN’s own numbers, following through with it would cost $100 trillion and achieve less than 1% of the emissions cuts the UN claims are supposedly needed anyway. That’s before we get to the questions of why CO2 levels were 10 times higher during the last ice age, why temperatures have been rising on Mars where they don’t have any humans producing CO2 or why the US taxpayer should be paying for new power stations in South East Asia, rather than China or India. If you thing climate change is real and man made and fixable then there are far better ways to go about it like putting money into geoengineering or building thorium reactors. At the very least please don’t try to goad President Trump – a man who famously collects towers – by naming your treaty after Paris, the city famous for having one of the best towers there is.
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