
2017 Mar 30 - Article 50 Triggered

Article 50 has finally been triggered! It’s like the starting pistol of a race going off, if that race was about 400 miles long and nobody had gone near a gym in years and everyone was already bored hearing about it.

So what else has been happening? Well we’re a currently a few weeksinto Lent and for those who are curious, Theresa May decided to give up crisps for 6 weeks. Shortly afterwards, true story, Walkers Crisps announced that they were closing their factory in County Durham with the loss of up to 400 jobs. Makes you wonder how many crisps she was eating, can’t be healthy for you.

On the subject of Health though, America this week saw the latest plan to reform health care fail. As with the Russian stuff and the immigration situation, it’s another ongoing mess, but as Trump himself put it, “Nobody Knew That Healthcare Could Be So Complicated”

It is a tough nut to crack though and I wonder how long it will be until we get a Facebook group set up in order to find a solution? Sean Spicer could put out ideas and his followers could Like or Dislike the suggestions. We do after all live in an age of crowd sourcing. If you’re a businessman short on cash you go on Kickstarter. If you disagree with a news site’s coherent or balanced reporting, you can check out the comments section beneath it for some alternative facts and if you’re the attorney general, you can always ask your twitter followers for legal advice.
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